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Problem with UniversalSerial Display Adapter in SPI-Mode

Hi Guys,

I've connectes this

Universal Serial: UART/I2C/SPI Text LCD Display Adapter V2   http://www.digole.com/index.php?productID=551

to the 3-wire SPI-Port on my ATmega328 (all working at 5V).

Data Digole -> MOSI ATmega
CLK Digole -> SCK ATmega
SS Digole  -> CS IO-Pin ATmega

The Digole Adapter runs with a simple 4x20 standard text LCD which seems to be working fine.

But the display only says :" SPI:SS enable_" , no matter if the SS pin is low or high.

Unfortunately no command transmitted via SPI seems to work.

Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?

Many thanks !!



RE:Problem with UniversalSerial Display Adapter in SPI-Mode

 There are 4 mode for SPI, this adapter use mode 0, please check the mode on your controller, for more details on SPI modes, see here:


RE:Problem with UniversalSerial Display Adapter in SPI-Mode

...now it is working ;-)

It was problem of  the configuration of the SPI module on the controller.


But one thing is still a little bit annoying for proffesional use:

Starting the contoller, before the Text is shown on the display, it shortly flashes up with the message :" SPI:SS enable_".

It seems the display is faster than the controller (what I'm not able to change).

Is ot possible to disable this message of the display adapter completely with a command or a maybe a new Firmware?


Many thanks !



RE:Problem with UniversalSerial Display Adapter in SPI-Mode

 "DC0" will turn it off, "DC1" will turn it on, default is "DC1"

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