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Using to another language (Bascom)

 Dear All,

I create the code for using with Bascom (Basic for AVR http://www.mcselec.com).

Many fonction is tested with OLED RGB 1.8" and works perfectly, but some function need send byte for x,y position by example,
in manual i read send 1 byte, is strange, because if i use TFT 320x240 and can not set the position over 255.


RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 In order to back compatible with small display module and save bytes to be sent, we use this technical:

for value less than 255, use one byte

for value equal and great than 255, use 2 bytes, 1st byte of value is 255, 2nd value is (x-255).

eg.: send a byte of 230, means 230, send bytes 255 then 30, means 255+30=285.

RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 Thanks to reply.

I have understood, for clarify:
I need to send 320 and 240 for x & y:

i send byte with 255 and 65 for x, for y send only 240 or i need send 2 byte 240 and 0 ?

Best regards
Ps: I publish the code on forum after recieved and test with TFT.
The first test on OLED 1.8" RGB is ok:  https://youtu.be/7uHwBGlZvwc


RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 For value 320, please send 255 then 65, for 240, only send 240, the module will check the 1st value, if it was 255, then add it with 2nd byte.

Thanks for your controbutions!

RE:Using to another language (Bascom)


I strage problem with speed of I2C, i use Arduino Mega 2560 (but it's same with arduino nano).
At 100K all works with or without pullup.

At 400K at this time, only drawbitmap not works with or without pull up. For example drawbitmap256 works at 400K ?

Are you tips ?


RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 Yes, due to the module only have 2048 bytes of buffer, so, if the data received too fast and too much, the buffer will be overflow.
400K is not recommend, or you need put some delay when sending every 1K data.
We suggest you using our Flash memory display module to solve that: you can store the commands and image data in the 2M bytes of flash memory, then use "run command set from flush" function, on this method, you only need send 8 bytes to display an image.

RE:Using to another language (Bascom)


i have strange problem, i use in I2C:
I send bitmap 1bit on OLED RGB, works perfecly.

I use same hardware and software but change to TFT 2.4 IPS, the picture not display.
I use Mega 2560 @ 16mhz (Arduino Mega 2560) for test the OLED and TFT IPS.
I have tested with Arduino Nano 328P, same problem.

Maybe need to specify another command for TFT ?



RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

It shouldn't have any difference between our modules, but, on new module, the default color will not be reseted after clear screen command, so try to add "mydisp.setColor(1);" before drawing 1bit image.

please also check the communication mode on both modules, or UART baud or I2C address.

RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 Thanks to reply,

i have added 20us on pause every each byte, it's OK now.



RE:Using to another language (Bascom)

 Hi All,

I have finish and tested the first version.

More information on Bascom forum: www.mcselec.com/index2.php


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