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Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

Please re-download Arduino lib here, we fixed some bugs recently

We have designed a online tool set to convert image file to u8glib font, which you can use it in u8glib project or all of our graphic serial/smart display modules.
Now, you can use any image editor (eg. Photoshop) or word editor (eg. Words, Pages) to make your own font image, then use our tool set to convert it to u8glib font.
Cool? yes, you can use any language other than English and use any image as a letter then display it on screen now!
In order to use this tool set, you need two files:
  1. image file contain charaters image you want, and seperated by red vertical line between each character
  2. Code file (.txt format) contain ASCII code map to each characters in image file
OK, here is the steps:

  1. use image editor or word editor to make an image file, the image file will contain the characters you want, the image should be white back ground, the character color can be any but not RED or White, the best is black, you need put all character from left to right in one line, like the following:
  2. use our online tool to seperate the image, the tool will put red vertical line between each character, if there are blank vertical gaps in one character, try to increase the number of "Ignore vertical gap", the result should be this:

    the online tool is:http://www.digole.com/tools/SeperateFontImage.php, you can adjust the image size here if you want.
  3. right click on the image, then save it to your computer, change the name to: <your image name>.png
  4. you need assign each small image with a ASCII code, so, you need creat a pure text file, it contain the character and seperated by " "(space), you also can input ASCII number if you unable input it from keyboard, in the above example, we assign image "B" use ASCII number 66, it is same with "B". this is very useful if you want to assign a sub image with ASCII code >127:
    A 66 C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
  5. use our online tool to convert your image to u8glib font:http://www.digole.com/tools/Picture2DigoleFont.php.
       in "Image file" field, browse and select the <your image name>.png image file that you just saved,
       in "ASCII Code file" field, browse and select the .txt file you just created at step 4,
       you also can adjust the image size here and which cause different size of font, but, if you reduce the size here, the tool may lost some red line seperator and cause some error, you better do it on step 2.
       You also can define the blank space before and after each charactor use:Pre-blank and Post-blank.
       You also can select the C language format.
    Click "Submit" button
  6. If every thing correct, you will see font data in the text box, just select all data in text box, paste it in your program, you DONE.
    If you need a binary file (some buyer may use communication software to send data to Digole module), click "Download Data" link on the page, the browser will save it to your computer, just find it.

Walkman animation samle: Download all file

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

Nice. Thanks!

I tried it out using a subset of the font bitmap in the post. It seems that the text file must start with a space for the characters to map correctly.

I also tried the walking man example. For the life of me, it just does not upload the font... (Arduino Due, Color Serial OLED with 3.0 firmware). Very sad!

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

If your font image start with blank vertical area, the tool will treat it like space character, this is the only way you can add space character in font image, so, your code file can start with: 32 ....., the number of 32 is space's ASCII code. 

If you using a Digole serial module with Flash Memory, you need do following:

1)use command FLMWR to donwload font data to flash memory(Arduino function in our lib: flashWrite(unsigned long int addr, unsigned long int len, const unsigned char *data))

2)use command SFF to set font (Arduino function in our lib:setFlashFont(unsigned long int addr))

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

Makes sense for the space. Thanks.

I am using your DS160128COLED-46. According to your chart, it has no flash memory. Correct? So the walking man sketch should upload just fine, right?

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

Remove this line in sketch:


Your module only can display 2 lines of this font.

Yes, It should work, check the communication mode, make hardware setting and software setting matched.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

>>check the communication mode, make hardware setting and software setting matched. 

Positive on that. I use UART 9600. I can do just about anything with the display (text, bitmap, etc) but the fonts do not upload correctly, and the start screen upload is also buggy.

>>Remove this line in sketch:


Done. No change. The screen stays blank.

In fact, I never get the font upload confirmation message. The display 'hangs' (I have to turn it off to have it display anything again) on the 'upload message'. I get this message exactly:

Downloading...,Don't turn me off! 0X00 0XFA

What are the bytes returned by the PIC?


Also, I mentioned it in another post already but the user manual has several mistakes regarding the SUF command. I can expound on it if you need but it is rather obvious looking at your implementation in the Arduino library.

So, what do I do if it does not work? I can confirm on 4 displays. Bad series?

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

It should be: 0X03 0XFA

1) hold the reset button on Arduino
2) re-cycle the power on display module
3) wait till the welcome screen and configuration displayed on screen
4) release the reset button on Arduino

All data send to module should wait until the module done initialized, if you want to speed up the module initialization, you need to disable the welcome screen and the config.

use command:
  mydisp.displayStartScreen(0);  //disable welcome screen
  mydisp.displayConfig(0);  //disable show module config

then the module will be done initialization in 100ms on next time of power recycling.

Your module will not return any bytes, only vailable on module with touchscreen or flash memory.

Please redownload the sample code and Digole serial lib, we fixed some bugs in it.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font (data size<2K)

Brilliant! It works. Thank you very much.

After further testing, it seems that the 'delay' command in the sketch is enough once both the start screen and config have been turned off.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font


I'm trying to convert a very simple font but can't make your tool work properly. (I'd attach it, but image upload seems disabled)

It always clips off the right side of certain characters.

I placed the red lines manually to try and achieve a constant character width.

it appears that at least one black pixel has to be present next to the red line, or the character is not detected properly.

However, I need my characters to be surrounded by blank pixels to get a proportional font.

Any help appreciated.


RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

 Try to increase the value in"Ignore vertical gap"

If you need blank pixels around the character, adjust:Pre-blank and Post-blank values.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

 I tried that but it doesn't help. Anyway, I don't need blank pixels around every character, only slim ones like l or 1.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

When i try to use the image file and your first conversion it states the file needs to smaller than <50K

Using serial converters is not what i want to use. 

Let me explain why. The HAM community is building software to control a HF transceiver via Arduino. For this we also need a display to see the frequency, mode (lsb/usb/cw) etc.

Using a 16x2 lcd is too limited if you want more functionality.

Using your LCD might bring a solution but the way to upload the welcome screen, tunable to everybody personal liking needs to be easy.

Requesting all to buy serial to i2c adapter, fiddel with conversions an LSB/MSB data length will generate a lot of issues with people all over the world.

Isn't it much easier if the library solves all length/msb/lsb stuff and the routines just delivere regular INT values for all somebody wants to do (e.g. when receiving the touchscreen position, looked at some samples where this seems needed). Just define 2 variables in the cpp/h file and make sure they have the 320x240 positions. Easier and update of software versions remains within the library belonging to firmware versions belonging to the LCD.

Need to rebuild the sketch as i removed all attempts to prepare for when the LCD get's in via the mail. Had to revert to support all still using the current version of the sketch.

Can you please make a to follow instruction how to get the image (jpeg/png) converted, how to determine the length settings etc etc.
Which libraries must be included in the header of the arduino sketch so all compiles directly. Finding different intermediate steps and a lot of HEX numbers which i am not used to.


RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

I have tried and tried to get this to work using Windows 7 32 bit and Mozilla Firefox. 

Has anyone found a way to make this work using Windows 7 32bit???



RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font

This tools should be browser independent, the core functions are done on our server, the browser only act as input/output terminal.

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font


I am using same lib andit use perfectly 1st time then 2nd time its say this will not work in INDIA.

can you please provide solution for this ?

Is there any other tool to generate image file to u8glib ?

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font


I am trying to use this lib  in INDIA, how can i use this in INDIA ?

Is there any other converter for image to u8glib

RE:Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font


I am trying to use this lib  in INDIA, how can i use this in INDIA ?

Is there any other converter for image to u8glib

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