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New touch-only display readClick() problems

I purchased a touch display when the web and documentation were not complete.  I have a 2.4" touch display with v2.8 firmware and I am trying to use the readClick() function.  I works rarely and most of the time, I read zeros for the x,y values after calling the function.  The readTouchScreen() function seems to work.

I noticed that the documentation for readClick() has a note saying "same as above(V3.0)".  Is this function only available in v3.0 of the firmware and why does a brand new unit have firmware v2.8?  This is frustrating as I expected the display I purchased to support all the functions (except for onboard firmware).  Can you please advise.

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

Yes, the readClick function only available on V3.0 firmware and later.
You can do the following if the firmware on your moudle not support this function:

1) read a pen touched "RPNXYW",

2) read instant X,Y "RPNXYI"

3) check the X,Y, keep step 2 untill X or Y is out of the range (range is 0~239 or 0~319 depends on the screen direction you set)

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

I JUST bought this display.  These are brand new on the site.  Why was I shipped a version that was not the latest?  Should I return for a replacement or a refund?

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

 Paul, New version of 3.0 firmware released on Jun 19th, if you ordered the module before that day, V2.8 will be on it, but if you indeed like the V3.0, please send it back to us for firmware upgrade. 

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

 The cost of sending back the display does not make it worthwhile.  To make v2.8 work, you say to run a readTouchScreen() command and then read instant X,Y "RPNXYI".  However, there is no arduino library command for that and the manual note says:

   "The return value of X,Y already mapped to pixels on screen according to the direction set (SD command)"

I am not sure if you instructions are correct.

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

 The cost of sending back the display does not make it worthwhile.  To make v2.8 work, you say to run a readTouchScreen() command and then read instant X,Y "RPNXYI".  However, there is no arduino library command for that and the manual note says:

   "The return value of X,Y already mapped to pixels on screen according to the direction set (SD command)"

I am not sure if you instructions are correct.

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

I noticed that when the display is waiting on a touch event via readTouchScreen(), the display will be stuck there and not accept another command (eg. clear screen).  If the connected mcu is reset, the display will not be cleared as expected.

RE:New touch-only display readClick() problems

Yes, you are right, if you issued read pen touched command, the module will stop run any other commands (but can still receive commands), this is correct action.

If you do hardware reset on your master controller, the Digole module will not be reseted, but there is a hardware reset pin on the module that Digole didn't publish it: there is a push button footprint on the back of PCB, this is the hardware reset button, if you connect the lower pin to GND, the digole module will be reset.

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