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Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)


Ordered the 2.6 today and reading through the forum.

Tried to define the welcom (wel variable) but can't get the sketch to compile. Keeps generating errors. Looked at the samples and it looks the same.
No idea what is going wrong.

Woudn't it be possible to generate a arduino sketch file that read the file as input and makes a complete sketch (ino) file.

This would enable all users of the sketch we are working on in the project to generate their own welcome screen without any further help.


Ron - PA3FAT

RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

The possible problem is missing "Wire.h" file in your Arduino, if not this, please tell us what error reported.

You can use our online tool to generate a binary file: http://www.digole.com/tools/Convert_String_Array_BinFile.php

1) write a welcome screen string on "C format string Input/Output" box, click "Convert string to others", you will see the data length of total welcome screen.

2) Add "SSS" + data length at the begin of welcome screen string, click "Convert..." again.

3) Click "Download data" to save the result as binary file on your computer.

4) Use a USB-UART adapter + CoolTerm free ware, to send the binary file to the module

5) You can send "DSS1" to display to test the welcome screen now.

You also can copy the array data in "C array Input/Output (Dec)" box to your Arduino and other C language as welcome screen data.

RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

When i try to use the image file and your first conversion it states the file needs to smaller than <50K

Using serial converters is not what i want to use. 

Let me explain why. The HAM community is building software to control a HF transceiver via Arduino. For this we also need a display to see the frequency, mode (lsb/usb/cw) etc.

Using a 16x2 lcd is too limited if you want more functionality.

Using your LCD might bring a solution but the way to upload the welcome screen, tunable to everybody personal liking needs to be easy.

Requesting all to buy serial to i2c adapter, fiddel with conversions an LSB/MSB data length will generate a lot of issues with people all over the world.

Isn't it much easier if the library solves all length/msb/lsb stuff and the routines just delivere regular INT values for all somebody wants to do (e.g. when receiving the touchscreen position, looked at some samples where this seems needed). Just define 2 variables in the cpp/h file and make sure they have the 320x240 positions. Easier and update of software versions remains within the library belonging to firmware versions belonging to the LCD.

Need to rebuild the sketch as i removed all attempts to prepare for when the LCD get's in via the mail. Had to revert to support all still using the current version of the sketch.

Can you please make a to follow instruction how to get the image (jpeg/png) converted, how to determine the length settings etc etc.
Which libraries must be included in the header of the arduino sketch so all compiles directly. Finding different intermediate steps and a lot of HEX numbers which i am not used to.



RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

When i try to use the image file and your first conversion it states the file needs to smaller than <50K

Using serial converters is not what i want to use. 

Let me explain why. The HAM community is building software to control a HF transceiver via Arduino. For this we also need a display to see the frequency, mode (lsb/usb/cw) etc.

Using a 16x2 lcd is too limited if you want more functionality.

Using your LCD might bring a solution but the way to upload the welcome screen, tunable to everybody personal liking needs to be easy.

Requesting all to buy serial to i2c adapter, fiddel with conversions an LSB/MSB data length will generate a lot of issues with people all over the world.

Isn't it much easier if the library solves all length/msb/lsb stuff and the routines just delivere regular INT values for all somebody wants to do (e.g. when receiving the touchscreen position, looked at some samples where this seems needed). Just define 2 variables in the cpp/h file and make sure they have the 320x240 positions. Easier and update of software versions remains within the library belonging to firmware versions belonging to the LCD.

Need to rebuild the sketch as i removed all attempts to prepare for when the LCD get's in via the mail. Had to revert to support all still using the current version of the sketch.

Can you please make a to follow instruction how to get the image (jpeg/png) converted, how to determine the length settings etc etc.
Which libraries must be included in the header of the arduino sketch so all compiles directly. Finding different intermediate steps and a lot of HEX numbers which i am not used to.



RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

For image converting, please use this tool:http://www.digole.com/tools/PicturetoC_Hex_converter.php

We have few online tools here:http://www.digole.com/tools, please browse the folder, and find which one will help you.

RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

When i try to use the image file and your first conversion it states the file needs to smaller than <50K

Using serial converters is not what i want to use. 

Let me explain why. The HAM community is building software to control a HF transceiver via Arduino. For this we also need a display to see the frequency, mode (lsb/usb/cw) etc.

Using a 16x2 lcd is too limited if you want more functionality.

Using your LCD might bring a solution but the way to upload the welcome screen, tunable to everybody personal liking needs to be easy.

Requesting all to buy serial to i2c adapter, fiddel with conversions an LSB/MSB data length will generate a lot of issues with people all over the world.

Isn't it much easier if the library solves all length/msb/lsb stuff and the routines just delivere regular INT values for all somebody wants to do (e.g. when receiving the touchscreen position, looked at some samples where this seems needed). Just define 2 variables in the cpp/h file and make sure they have the 320x240 positions. Easier and update of software versions remains within the library belonging to firmware versions belonging to the LCD.

Need to rebuild the sketch as i removed all attempts to prepare for when the LCD get's in via the mail. Had to revert to support all still using the current version of the sketch.

Can you please make a to follow instruction how to get the image (jpeg/png) converted, how to determine the length settings etc etc.
Which libraries must be included in the header of the arduino sketch so all compiles directly. Finding different intermediate steps and a lot of HEX numbers which i am not used to.



RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

When i try to use the image file and your first conversion it states the file needs to smaller than <50K

Using serial converters is not what i want to use. 

Let me explain why. The HAM community is building software to control a HF transceiver via Arduino. For this we also need a display to see the frequency, mode (lsb/usb/cw) etc.

Using a 16x2 lcd is too limited if you want more functionality.

Using your LCD might bring a solution but the way to upload the welcome screen, tunable to everybody personal liking needs to be easy.

Requesting all to buy serial to i2c adapter, fiddel with conversions an LSB/MSB data length will generate a lot of issues with people all over the world.

Isn't it much easier if the library solves all length/msb/lsb stuff and the routines just delivere regular INT values for all somebody wants to do (e.g. when receiving the touchscreen position, looked at some samples where this seems needed). Just define 2 variables in the cpp/h file and make sure they have the 320x240 positions. Easier and update of software versions remains within the library belonging to firmware versions belonging to the LCD.

Need to rebuild the sketch as i removed all attempts to prepare for when the LCD get's in via the mail. Had to revert to support all still using the current version of the sketch.

Can you please make a to follow instruction how to get the image (jpeg/png) converted, how to determine the length settings etc etc.
Which libraries must be included in the header of the arduino sketch so all compiles directly. Finding different intermediate steps and a lot of HEX numbers which i am not used to.



RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

Sorry attempts to go back to forum by <-- (firefox resulted in multiple post). You can remove them. Sorry again.

RE:Option to create arduino sketch generator for 320x240 images (jpeg/png)

Tried downloading a 320x240 welcome screen again.

Same setup as i used for ugrading fw to v4.2. (2.6 ISP+2mb flash).

Follow the instruction as decribed for making foto frame, could not find referenced (url) php tools. Did something that came closest.

After some hours gave up. It is too complex.

You would help everybody to just create a tool that uploads a file in given format and size and just issues the command via serial and informs user on how to call this from flash/MCU.



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