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160x120 LCD Module Black Display


I use 2 of this Displays. Both Display get black with UART - Connection. They worked 2-4 hours normally,

after that with dataconnection they get black. By disconnecting and reconnecting Power, they work without 

dataconnection. By reconnect data, they would be black over the holl display. Hardwareerror?


Best Regards Sven

RE:160x120 LCD Module Black Display

 What was the logic level on your master controller? was it RS232?

RE:160x120 LCD Module Black Display

 The display is connected with an Arduino UNO on Port 1 (TX). I can controll the Backlight. 

RE:160x120 LCD Module Black Display

 It's unusual. 

Can you adjust the contrast?

RE:160x120 LCD Module Black Display

 Try to desolder C8 cap on the PCB, this may solve your problem.

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