Works with 2.7V/3.3V/5.0V logic systems, 4bit/8bit/16bit/32bit micro-controllers. it EVEN works stand-alone.
Support serial (Hardware or Software): UART, I2C and SPI, set by the jumpers on PCB, support all four SPI mo.
7 fonts and graphic engine embedded, touch screen and flash chip drivers embedded(if touch screen or 2 to 16MB flash chip installed), custom fonts can be downloaded to the module's flash.
High level commands set (61 commands total) are easy to remember and understand, eg.: send 5 bytes: "CCabc" will draw a ratio=c pixels circle at coordinate (a,b) on the screen; 5 bytes "DNALL" will put the module to sleep mode(<0.1mA), and more...
// Communication set up command
* "SB":Baud (ascII bytes end with 0x00/0x0A/0x0D) -- set UART Baud Rate
* "SI2CA":Address(1 byte <127) -- Set I2C address, default address is:0x27
* "DC":1/0(1byte) -- set config display on/off, if set to 1, displayer will display current commucation setting when power on
// Text Function command
* "CL": -- Clear screen--OK
* "CS":1/0 (1 byte)-- Cursor on/off
* "TP":x(1 byte) y(1 byte) -- set text position
* "TT":string(bytes) end with 0x00/0x0A/0x0D -- display string under regular mode
// Graphic function command
* "GP":x(1byte) y(1byte) -- set current graphic position
* "DM":"C/!/~/&/|/^"(ASCII 1byte) -- set drawing mode--C="Copy",! and ~ = "Not", & = "And", | = "Or", ^ = "Xor"
* "SC":1/0 (1byte) -- set draw color--only 1 and 0
* "LN":x0(1byte) y0(1byte) x1(1byte) y2(1byte)--draw line from x0,y0 to x1,y1,set new pot to x1,y1
* "LT":x(1byte) y(1byte) -- draw line from current pos to x,y
* "CC":x(1byte) y(1byte) ratio(byte) -- draw circle at x,y with ratio
* "DP":x(1byte) y(1byte) Color(1byte) -- draw a pixel--OK
* "DR":x0(1byte) y0(1byte) x1(1byte) y2(1byte)--draw rectangle, top-left:x0,y0; right-bottom:x1,y1
* "FR":x0(1byte) y0(1byte) x1(1byte) y2(1byte)--draw filled rectangle, top-left:x0,y0; right-bottom:x1,y1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int fd;
char *fileName = "/dev/i2c-1"; // Name of the port we will be using, Rasberry Pi model B (i2c-1)
int address = 0x27; // Address of I2C device
char buf[100];
if ((fd = open (fileName, O_RDWR)) < 0) { // Open port for reading and writing
printf("Failed to open i2c port\n");
if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, address) < 0) { // Set the port options and set the address of the device
printf("Unable to get bus access to talk to slave\n");
if (argc>1)
//printf("%s %d %s\n",buf,strlen(buf),buf[strlen(buf)]);
if ((write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)+1)) != strlen(buf)+1) {
printf("Error writing to i2c slave\n");
} else {
printf(" Simple tool to send commands to Digole graphic adapter\nexamples:\n");
printf(" rpi_lcd \"CLTTHello Word\" - Clear the screen (CL) and prints \"Hello Word\" (TT)\n");
printf(" rpi_lcd \"CC002\" - Draws a cirle at x=30 (0), y=30 (0) with a radio of 32 (2)\n"); //not for Character LCD
return 0;